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Pastoral Candidate

Rev. William Donald (Bill) Sperry

Rev. William Donald (Bill) Sperry


Pastor Candidate for PBPC



  • Ordained PC(USA) on October 16, 2006


Formal Education

  • Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, CA (2006)

  • Bachelor of Science in Communications from Northwestern University, IL (1996)


Professional Experience

  • Pastor to East Woods Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, WA (2011-Present)

  • Chaplain / Lieutenant Commander in U.S. Navy Reserves (2015-Present)

  • Associate Pastor of College Ministry and Contemporary Worship to 1st Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills, CA (2006-2011)

  • Director of High School Ministry and Contemporary Worship (2001-2006)


Bill’s Interests

  • Transforming the world with the Gospel

  • Helping people engage their gifts in ministry

  • Quality time with family and friends

  • Writing and performing music

  • Wake boarding and snowboarding, boating and paddling, volleyball and SCUBA diving, mountain biking and cycling

  • Discovering great restaurants to share a good meal and rich conversation

  • Game nights

  • Travel and adventure


Favorite Bible Verses

  • Psalm 71:14-19; Psalm 139

  • Romans 3:21-26

  • Colossians 3:12-17

  • 1 John 4:16-21

Come meet the Sperry Family!


Pastor Bill will be visiting Pacific Beach Presbyterian Church on July 11, 2021.  He will conduct the 10:00 AM service that day.  Following the service, the congregation will vote to determine his pastoral call.  He is excited to meet everyone. 


Following the congregational meeting, there will be a reception on the patio and a chance to meet the Sperry family.


On Leadership

“I consider my leadership style to be relational and organized, collaborative and creative.  Our denomination is a democracy, based on representative leadership, and I believe I am a balanced fit of being led and accountable, leading from the front, honoring the voice of those I'm leading, and helping others recognize and engage their gifts for shared leadership.  Many of my favorite leadership moments have come while journeying with a brother or sister in Christ through the process of identifying their strengths, discovering related service opportunities, and enjoying more fruitful engagement within the body of Christ.” 


On His Call to Ministry

“Because of my relational, collaborative, and creative nature, I believe I am called to a ministry role that leads a Christ-centered, team-oriented congregation in making connections and building bridges.  God has equipped me to build relational bridges within church staffs and leadership teams.  The Lord has empowered me to help congregations make connections both within congregations and between congregations and their surrounding communities.  And, I believe my ministry experiences have positioned me well to help a congregation connect its past and present to its future.”


On His Worship Emphasis

“As the Apostle Paul stated, ‘When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation.  Let all things be done for building up’ (1 Cor. 14:26).  Building on Paul’s words, I believe the elements of worship should constructively reflect the diverse gifts of the worshiping body - maximizing participation, edifying the participants, and enriching the discipleship and praise of the people.  I work collaboratively with creative teams and commissions to design services that are biblically-based, gospel-focused, and thematic, celebrating the theme consistently through various expressions and media.  My preaching emphasizes God's love and grace in the face of human sin and our need for the salvation offered in Christ.  I aim for a balance of biblical teaching, relevant application, humor, and theological reflection.”


Bill’s Ministry Style:

In addition to Bill’s 20 years of experience, he demonstrates:


  • Strong love for God and His word

  • Clear passion for people and ministry

  • Concise, creative, dynamic, and relevant preaching

  • Collaborative Leadership

  • Local and global mission priorities

  • Musical gifts- He plays many instruments and enjoys singing

  • Engaging, sociable and outgoing personality


“I bring a unique gifting for creative, engaging preaching and worship leadership, a unique skill for connecting with diverse people and joining them around a unified theme or goal, and over 20 years of unique experience leading and revitalizing age-diverse, family-oriented congregations.” – Bill


Bill’s Family

Bill grew up in Moraga, a small town in the California East Bay Area.  After college and work in Illinois, he lived in L.A. for 11 years.  While there, he met Molly, a nurse and nursing professor, who is from Spokane, WA. They were married in 2009.  Bill and Molly have two wonderful sons, Ben (age 10) and Will (age 8).

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